Mungkin ada yang sudah maklum, and maybe ada yang tak. OK, kalau you’re the people around me, of course, you knew it. Kalau taktau, meh nak cecita sekali lagi.
Tanggal 11 April 2011, merupakan tarikh yang berjaya mengubah hidup beta. 100%! Kalau ikutkan, I was about to cry la. Tapi to think twice, it was my own fault. And it happened. So it became takdir. Apalah dayaku nak mengubah semua tu kan. Ehee, (ok, aku masih belum bagitau apa yg berlaku! Sorry melalut)
11 April tu, aku accident. Kalau ikut bahasa sebenar, jatuh moto je pun. Meh nak cecita detail. Pasai aku dah tak larat hari-hari dok Jawab soklan hampa. Haihh-,-‘ Kisahnya, ber mulaaaaaa. Begini,

*jatuh motoo. ahaha,
It was 7 am – sekolah masuk 7.20 – so, pecut – depan aku ada bus- pi belah kanan nak potong, ada keta datang berduyun – pi belah kiri – nk potong belah kiri – bawak 90 km/h – nmpk tiang elektrik – brek mengejut – gedebangggg! JATUH MOTORRR. – nangis – bangun cepat2 – ada sorg pkcik mai tlg – nangis lagi – pkcik tu tlg angkat moto – nangeh lagi – say thanks to that pkcik – nangis lagi – naik moto balik – cancel plan nak pi sekolah – nangih atas moto heading home – sampai rumah – nangis – kena marah – mak bwk pi klinik – doctor check tkda apa – cuci luka – tiba2 pengsan – nangeh lagi – masuk hospital – xray bla3 – dok hospital 3 hari – khamis pi sekolah. [TITIK]
Tu je pun cita dia. Accident tuh tak parah sangat. Anggota badan aku yang belah kanan luka teruk gak la. Tapi still functioning Alhamdulillah. Glad to live and breathe with the same air as how you guys do, Alhamdulillah again.
And what makes me sayyyyyyy it changed about a WHOLE life of mine? Well, the link is like this :
Aku anak dara – naik moto laju – accident – tkleh naik moto dah – kena berulang – padahal aku tkdak masalah ja anak naik moto lagi! – mak aku tkleh hntar everyday – MASUK HOSTEL.
The feeling is like, OHMYGODDDD. I have a life, and it turns to nothing when it comes to be a hostel student! What the -.-‘
OK! Jangan simply jump into conclusion to read what I said. Ok, things were like this, I was a hostel kid. And I was forced to be a berulang kid when I was form 3, and I’ve used to live as a berulang kid for aboput 2-3 years. And now, I’m form 5, and again, I’m forced to be a hostel kid. AGAIN. The feeling is just the same. I was forced. And I feel bad. Very bad.
Takdir. Faith. OK, ;(
Maybe it’s good for me, and He knows well. Come hell or high water I have Allah.
OK, I’m still feeling blue :’(
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