Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bida'ah Part 1

OK. Assalamualaikum wbt.
Firstly, this post is written based on what I learned in Irshad. InshaAllah ustaz2 aku dah sampaikan ilmu yang diorang dapat, so this is what I want to share after penat menunggu.
Haritu before SPM, well I had a little harsh conversation with one of my ex-seniors. He's just somebody who I surely can't tell his name -.-'
And it's all about bidaah. I've been waiting to write for my lifetime k! (over sgt hiperbola tuh)
Since it was about few weeks before SPM, maka aku takde kesempatan nak cakap panjang.

Next, I really want to know the fact that ISLAM IS EASY! BUT, we can't take it easy of course.
This was the conversation yang I really wanted to tell him that he was wrong. GRRRR,

*conversation part 1

*conversation part 2

The conversation happened when my other senior, kaknadaalia wished salam maal hijrah. 
And, as you can read through the whole conversation, he asked for DALIL tentang bacaan doa awal tahun and akhir tahun tu!

OK, sambung next post, aku dah mula sedar yang post panjang-panjang akan buat people get annoyeddd -.-'

Continue with : Bida'ah Part 2.


akuamir said...

bid'ah takkan diterima kan??

gua follow sini,, klo rajin terjah la blog 'makeYOUthink' gua,, :D

Farzana Rosley (fartvxqhlovate) said...

mana mungkin sesuatu perbuatan tu tak diterima kalau ianya sesuatu yang baik. baca doa awal tahun n akhir tahun tu bukanlah satu perkara yg mndatangkan dosa. tp bila kita baca, kita dapat pahala, that's why tak salah. and dikira satu ibadah. jadi sbb tula dipanggil bida'ah hasanah. sbb dia perbuatan yg baik cuma tdk dimulakan oleh rasulullah, tp oleh para sahabat. tu je bezanya. sila baca sambungan post ini ok.