Some people asked me to write about my experience, as a guest, to His Baitullah.
For real, until now, the feeling of being in Baitullah is special.
The feeling was like, "I'm here while some are working hard to be here"
Seriously, not everyone can be there. Ada orang ada duit, planned to be there, but didn't have the chance.
That's the reason for me to write the title as " Baitullah ; An Invitation"
Sebab to be there, isn't that easy as we think. Oh, ada duit then book your package, the GO.
Kalau Allah tak jemput, tak sampai jugak.
OK. Let's start with how I was invited. Allah sent the hint through abah's ex-boss, MakChar Kiah. She was a YB in TAT, Penang. Well they get along very well. Until now, even though they don't work together anymore.
Makchar suggested my father to bring me along. So.......... that was how, I finally got the chance to jejakkan kaki at Baitullah.
Our team consisted of 10 people. Mom's bestfriend, Auntie Zarina booked the flight on her own for the 10 of us, so we went to Mecca and Madinah.
OK let's make it shorter. The visit started with Madina.
When we reached there, it was morning. And the weather was sooooo cold. Sebab masa tu memang musim sejuk pun. Bulan 3 kan. Buah kurma pun still berbunga.
Madinah was so beautiful on it's own. Tambah pulak, Makam Rasulullah is there. :)
The hotel we stayed, memang extreme dekat dengan pintu masuk perempuan. Here is the view.

* Holla it's me. As you can see, at my back is the entrance. And my right is the hotel that we stayed.
This picture ends this post for now. Longer post makes people get annoyed. Hehe. I hope you guys will get excited with my experience there. Besides, I got to check for my DQ result :p
Alhamdulillah again. May you guys will have the chance to be there inshaAllah :)
Please wait for :
Baitullah ; An Invitation - Masjid Quba'
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