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*this is us. kat ladang kurma. sambil minum2 teh free :) |
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*dekat Jabal Uhud :) dekat dengan para syuhada'... <3 |
Assalamualaikum. After days. Haih,
Today Im gonna write about Ziarah Madinah. We specialized this day to visit Madinah. Tapi sampai noon je. Sebab we decided that we wanted to pray in Masjid Nabawi. No matter what!
So, the first place yang kami lawat masa Ziarah Madinah ni, is of course, Masjid Quba' :D As stated in my previous post, ada kelebihan bersolat di Masjid Quba' ni :) Gambar kat Masjid Quba' dah ada dekat post yg before ni. So, tk perlu la gambar lain kan. Hehe.
After beribadah and beli kebab yang super sedap dekat masjid Quba' we moved to the next location. Which was ladang kurma. Dekat Madinah, kurma murah and banyak. Abundant yknow. Sebab pepohon kurma banyak kat sini. Tapi dekat Madinah, kurma less. But air zamzam sng dapat. Err sebenarnya kat Madinah pun senang je dapat air zamzam. Sebab bila masuk je masjid, they prepared tong2 air yang BANYAK and ada air zamzam utk kita minum.
Begitulah kemudahan di sana :) Baik kan org Arab ni?
Gambar2 semua kat atas lah ye. Taktau kenapa dia takleh mai dok bwh ni terus. boleh je nak ubah. Tapi malas :p Err tk byk pun. saya curik sikit dr uncle Rafee and auntie Ina. halalkan ye :p
Setelah shopping beli kurma banyak2 smpai berat beg, we moved to the next place. That I liked most :)
Which was Jabal Uhud. Yg aku suka pasal Jabal Uhud is dekat sini ada Saidina Hamzah. :') And other syuhada.
Antara para syuhada', I loved Saidina Hamzah, Asadullah the most :) IDK why. But masa belajar sirah, I fall in love w/ him. And his character :) I was so happy. Dapat merasa dekatnya dengan para syuhada'.
Ada jugak gambo dekat Jabal Uhud tuu :) tgk2 la. :')
Ok, lepas Jabal Uhud. where did we go aaaa. Hmmm we visited Qiblatain oso. Tapi tak turun bus. If Im not mistaken. Sebab it was near to Zohor alr. Very busyy amek gambo kat Jabal Uhud. Hehe
So, this was how our Madinah Visit ended. Hewhew :)
Alhamdulillah. Alahai ni dah macam mengulit kenangan.
So, in shaa Allah the next post about Baitullah will be our experience in Mekah pulak :D You must've been waiting right? Hehe *eh bajet mcm ramai baca jak -.-
Nantikan, in shaa Allah :)
Baitullah ; An Invitation - Masjidil Haram
here's the link to related post :
Masjid Quba'
Baiklah, akhir kalam, assalamualaikum wbt :)
Fartvxqhlovate.Today Im gonna write about Ziarah Madinah. We specialized this day to visit Madinah. Tapi sampai noon je. Sebab we decided that we wanted to pray in Masjid Nabawi. No matter what!
So, the first place yang kami lawat masa Ziarah Madinah ni, is of course, Masjid Quba' :D As stated in my previous post, ada kelebihan bersolat di Masjid Quba' ni :) Gambar kat Masjid Quba' dah ada dekat post yg before ni. So, tk perlu la gambar lain kan. Hehe.
After beribadah and beli kebab yang super sedap dekat masjid Quba' we moved to the next location. Which was ladang kurma. Dekat Madinah, kurma murah and banyak. Abundant yknow. Sebab pepohon kurma banyak kat sini. Tapi dekat Madinah, kurma less. But air zamzam sng dapat. Err sebenarnya kat Madinah pun senang je dapat air zamzam. Sebab bila masuk je masjid, they prepared tong2 air yang BANYAK and ada air zamzam utk kita minum.
Begitulah kemudahan di sana :) Baik kan org Arab ni?
Gambar2 semua kat atas lah ye. Taktau kenapa dia takleh mai dok bwh ni terus. boleh je nak ubah. Tapi malas :p Err tk byk pun. saya curik sikit dr uncle Rafee and auntie Ina. halalkan ye :p
Setelah shopping beli kurma banyak2 smpai berat beg, we moved to the next place. That I liked most :)
Which was Jabal Uhud. Yg aku suka pasal Jabal Uhud is dekat sini ada Saidina Hamzah. :') And other syuhada.
Antara para syuhada', I loved Saidina Hamzah, Asadullah the most :) IDK why. But masa belajar sirah, I fall in love w/ him. And his character :) I was so happy. Dapat merasa dekatnya dengan para syuhada'.
Ada jugak gambo dekat Jabal Uhud tuu :) tgk2 la. :')
Ok, lepas Jabal Uhud. where did we go aaaa. Hmmm we visited Qiblatain oso. Tapi tak turun bus. If Im not mistaken. Sebab it was near to Zohor alr. Very busyy amek gambo kat Jabal Uhud. Hehe
So, this was how our Madinah Visit ended. Hewhew :)
Alhamdulillah. Alahai ni dah macam mengulit kenangan.
So, in shaa Allah the next post about Baitullah will be our experience in Mekah pulak :D You must've been waiting right? Hehe *eh bajet mcm ramai baca jak -.-
Nantikan, in shaa Allah :)
Baitullah ; An Invitation - Masjidil Haram
here's the link to related post :
Masjid Quba'
Baiklah, akhir kalam, assalamualaikum wbt :)
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